You Are Invited to...
When you clear from the collective karmic programs you are serving not only your own nervous system and personal soul path, you are also helping this planet move towards a higher timeline!
"I see you beautiful soul, you are calling for a change on this planet, you are calling for a loving and expanded earth, you have a deep inner knowing that this planet is in need of karmic release at a collective level, you are aware that you are the ALCHEMIST, this is for you!"
A Message from Spirit
What Do You Get?
Join today for a limited time only! I am opening the doors to access this exclusive membership so that you can receive a monthly collective Akashic Record Healing, exclusive weekly collective guidance directly to your phone via a private Telegram Channel, plus receive priority on Monday Instagram Livestream Readings!
The Beloved Method™ is a dowsing system channeled by Jikara through her Higher Self. Ever since she started her Spiritual Response Therapy journey she found that part of her spiritual committee is composed of souls who have been developing this system for many generations. They came to her during a meditation and presented the need of shifting the energies of Soul Relationships between people. This shift commences when one of them is ready to move forward.
This is a the beginners class to expand your knowledge on twin flames, other flame relationships, soul relationships, and the purpose of these souls showing up in your life. You will learn about soul creation, soul relationships, the types of Twin Flame path, and patterns of connection with your Twin Flame from an Akashic Records perspective!
This is a practical class in which you will learn to navigate the Soul Relationship Files in the Akashic Records through your own practice. You will be able to find answers and determine the specifics of your soul relationships directly from your soul. This course is designed to empower you to tap into your inner guidance and intuition by learning one of the simplest, yet powerful tools to navigate charts specially designed and channeled by your facilitator Jikara Starita to learn about your Soul Relationships. All the information you obtain through the charts is channeled by your Higher Self and it’s all related to this lifetime to help you focus on what to do to move forward in your path of ascension.
The course is a LIVE 6 week long online course that includes 1 bonus group clearing, 4 informational classes and 1 practical class. There will be pre-recorded videos to watch before each one of our meetings. We will meet 1 hour for each session.
With your membership you are not only supporting your own healing you are also helping me expand my mission to educate people on spiritual matters, and share the message of self-empowerment while in a healing journey.
A monthly Collective Akashic Healing and Clearing Session that includes a collective Message from Spirit at the end of each session delivered Live via Zoom (replay will be available via Telegram).
Access to a private Telegram Group where you will receive weekly audio messages with oracle guidance. When I go Live on Monday on Instagram, the readings will be prioritized to questions sent via our private Telegram Group. I will take your questions for readings every Monday until 3:33 PM EST via the Telegram Group Chat (please note that I may not be able to get to answer all questions submitted by members as I also answer some from the audience that comes from Meetup)
By submitting your payment you agree to the terms and conditions below on payments and refunds:
Terms and Conditions of Refunds and Payments:
*Please note that this is a monthly membership program and that payments will be charged automatically every month.
**You can cancel your membership, just make sure you do so before your next payment is due! (Please note that cancellations must be made at least 30 days in advance, if you have trouble cancelling your membership be sure to send an email 30 days in advance at and please remember that you must cancel your membership prior to your your next charge) Please note, that you must give ample time (at least 35 days) for us to be able to resolve any issues with cancellation of memberships.
***All payments are final, no refunds are given for past membership charges.
Collective Healing is the Next Step in our Human Evolution. As an interconnected being, all experiences that you are part of are also expressed in the collective! this may also make it hard to discern what energy is yours versus the energy of the collective, and this can keep you stuck in a negative emotional reactivity cycle.
For this reason, it's Important that you practice energetic hygiene such as meditation, disconnecting from technology on a daily basis, and mindfulness techniques, however, in today's busy world having these practices may not be enough! This is where Collective Akashic healings can benefit you!
I have personally been practicing collective clearings for 2 years on a monthly basis with private groups and the feedback that I get is that these Collective Akashic Clearings help people re-set back in to their own energy...Collective energies that are not in alignment with us can create an energetic entanglement that affect our nervous system, emotional body, spiritual body and mental body, in turn, re-establishing the connections to negative energies that keep us in a collective loop of karma...
All Light Beings Incarnated who are Called to Serve this Planet!
Social Workers
Those who feel a calling to be of service to the planet
Ongoing Energetic Hygiene
Nervous System Rebalance
Anxiety Support
Deeper Healing in your individual healing sessions
Clarity on your Energetic Boundaries
Past Life, Future life, Inter-Dimensional Healing and Clearing
Deeper connection with your inner truth
Chakra Balancing
Blueprint of Love re-connection and re-balancing
Aura Repair and Balancing
and so much more!
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